During World War I, Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire endured what is recognized as the first modern genocide. The Armenian Genocide, orchestrated by the Ottoman Turks, continues to be denied by the perpetrators to this day. The video “A Journey from Despair to Hope: The Story of the Armenian Americans of Rhode Island” follows the life of Margaret Garabedian DerManuelian, a survivor of the Armenian Genocide, and her eventual journey to Rhode Island.
This 75-minute presentation presented by Pauline Getzoyan centers around the film, which not only tells Margaret's personal story, but also delves into the historical context of the genocide. It explores the profound effects of genocide denial on subsequent generations and examines the lasting impact such traumatic events have on personal and collective identity.
Monday, April 21st @ 6 - 7 p.m.
Coventry Public Library, 1672 Flat River Road, Coventry, R.I.
Free and open to the public. No registration required. For more information, or to let us know you're coming, contact Jessica at 822-9104 or JCoppa@CoventryLibrary.org.