We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with the Kanopy streaming app. We apologize for any inconvenience and we are working to resume service as soon as possible.
Coventry Public Library
1672 Flat River Road (Rt. 117)
Coventry, RI 02816
Phone: 401-822-9100
Fax: 401-822-9133
Library Director - Lauren Walker: lwalker@coventrylibrary.org
Assistant Director - Jessica Carsten: jcarsten@coventrylibrary.org
Circulation Manager - Deb Young: dyoung@coventrylibrary.org
Head of Adult Services - Kiki Butler: kbutler@coventrylibrary.org
Head of Youth Services - Cara Delsesto: cdelsesto@coventrylibrary.org
Head of Technical Services - Brenda Fecteau: Brecteau@coventrylibrary.org
Teen Librarian - Kylie Woodmansee: kwoodmansee@coventrylibrary.org
Greene Library - Lori Tait: ltait@coventrylibrary.org
To recommend a title to be purchased by the library, please click here and fill out the form.