The Coventry Public Library has a Dremel Digilab 3D Printer for use by the public. Patrons may either make an appointment to use the printer or submit files to be printed and then picked up at a later time. Before printing, we require that you read and sign our 3D printer policy agreement.
What is 3D Printing?
3D printing is the process of making a three-dimensional object from a digital file. The object is created by laying down successive layers of plastic filament on top of each other until the print is created.
You begin by creating a design on a computer or using a 3D Scanner to replicate an existing object. Software is then used to slice the designed object into hundreds of horizontal layers. The design is sent to the 3D printer, where hot plastic is passed through a super-heated nozzle and laid down layer by layer via a robotic arm. The plastic cools off within seconds, so the finished object can be used right away. For more information, visit
How do I create or find a design?
There are 3 methods for obtaining 3D designs for printing.
How long does it take to print a design?
Longer than you think. If an object has many layers, it can take hours to print. Simpler designs take less time.
What if I just want my design printed?
If you have a design ready and just need it printed, you can submit your design .stl file to be printed. Before printing, you must read our 3D printing policy. We will give you an estimated cost for printing, which you will need to agree to pay before we print it. You may email the design to or drop it off on a USB drive.
Are there any design rules for 3D printing?
3D printing does not do well with “overhangs.” Each layer of a 3D model needs a base layer below it, so the machine will have a hard time printing something that hangs out into space, like the brim of a cowboy hat. We can add breakaway supports to any overhangs that can be snapped off at the end, but the edges might not be as smooth.
What if I need help with designing or troubleshooting my design?
Library staff is available for printing assistance only.
How much do you charge for a 3D print?
We charge 50 cents per hour. Before printing, the library will provide an estimated completed cost, which you must agree to before printing.
How large can my design be?
Files must be submitted as .stl files. In regard to proportions, the design must be able to fit on the 3D Printer’s platform, so it must be under 6. 7" X 10" X 6".
Are there any design rules for 3D printing?
3D printing does not do well with “overhangs.” Each layer of a 3D model needs a base layer below it, so the machine will have a hard time printing something that hangs out into space, like the brim of a cowboy hat. We can add breakaway supports to any overhangs that can be snapped off at the end, but the edges might not be as smooth.
What if I have a large project with many files?
The 3D Printing service we offer is experimental and geared toward instructional learning. Our service cannot accommodate mass manufacturing or large projects.